I should be finishing up my dissertation text, and I will soon, but I need to get some thoughts off my chest first. If I find the time in the future, I would like to refine these further, perhaps write an op-ed. Let's see.

  • Immigration is caused by decades of policies designed to spur economic growth, an economic growth that the far-right will not put into question.
  • Immigration is caused by centuries of colonialism and neocolonialism, an issue that the far-right does not want to discuss
    • See e.g. Belgium's report on its history with the Congo following the BLM protests, which was shot down before it could be discussed in Parliament.
  • Immigration is caused by widespread ecological devastation and ecocide which displaces people, ecocide which the far-right refuses to recognise as a crime.
    • See e.g. climate migrant reports from World Bank etc.
  • Immigration discourse dehumanises those subject to it by e.g. reducing migrants to their economic contribution. I don't want to fuel that.

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